Email Platforms for Service Providers

By • Dec 1st, 2011 • Category: Other

December 1st, 2011 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM US Pacific Time – Web Conference Overview:
Email platforms aimed at ISPs and Service Providers have grown almost exponentially in functionality over the past few years and now deliver all-encompassing communication environments that bring together email, mobile connectivity, instant messaging, social networking, unified communications, sophisticated address book functionality, security, archiving and highly accurate search and retrieval functionality. In addition, user interfaces have evolved dramatically to make it easier for service providers to offer a user experience on par with the latest on-premise messaging and collaboration solutions.

This web conference brings together a panel of email platform experts to discuss how the email platform market is evolving, and what are some of the key trends to watch going forward.

This web conference will be moderated by Sara Radicati.

Guest Speakers

  • Utpal Thakrar, Principal Product Manager Messaging Applications, Openwave
  • Rafael Laguna, CEO, Open-Xchange
  • Andrew Hawthorn, Senior Product Marketing Manager, VMware Zimbra


9:30-35 Welcome & Introductions (Sara)
9:35-55 Company Overview for Openwave, Open-Xchange, and Zimbra
9:55-10:20 Panel Discussion (All)
10:20-10:30 Live Q&A via chat window
10:30 Wrap-up

Intended Audience

This Webconference is intended for CxOs, IT Professionals, Investors, Product Managers, and anyone who need to make informed decisions about Email Platform selection and management.

Download Webconference Slides and Recording

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