Business User Survey 2013

By • Aug 23rd, 2013 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

A PowerPoint presentation detailing the results of a comprehensive survey of the use of email, instant messaging, social media, mobile and other technologies by business users in 46 corporate organizations worldwide, representing a total population of 175,700 employees. Survey Results include:

  • Daily Email & Online Access – Number of Emails Sent and Received, Spam, Attachments, False Positives, Daily Time Spent on Email, IM and Social Networks.
  • Company Email Deployment – IT Priorities, Company Email Environment, On-Premise Email Deployments and Plans, Cloud Email Deployments and Plans, Downtime, Viruses and Malware.
  • Storage and Microsoft SharePoint Use – Cloud Storage Use, Microsoft SharePoint Deployment.
  • Instant Messaging – Number of Accounts, Corporate-sanctioned Deployment, Security, Main Use, Most Popular Features, IM Spam.
  • Social Networking –Company-wide Use, Main Social Networking Site, All Social Networking Sites Used for Business, Use of Email with Social Networking.
  • Mobile Email – Tablet Use, Type of Mobile Phone Used, Most Used Mobile Phone Features, Business SMS Messages Sent/Received.
  • Personal/Consumer Use – Email, IM, Social Media, Mobile, Preferred Way to Communicate with Friends and Family.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to understand business and consumer user choices and preferences with regards to information sharing technologies.

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