The Changing Enterprise Mobility Management Landscape

By • Oct 31st, 2013 • Category: Other

October 31, 2013 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM US Pacific Time – Web Conference Overview: With the proliferation of mobile devices and BYOD, more and more enterprises are in need of solutions that can not only control these devices but also provide management of the applications that are being accessed and used on these devices. Once disparate technologies, Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM) along with other mobile solutions are rapidly converging. Due to market pressures, many vendors are moving away from siloed mobile offerings, instead providing customers with integrated Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) platforms. This web event looks at how EMM solutions are evolving to keep pace with changing threats but also to include a broader range of functionality which encompasses mobile devices, operating systems, applications, and more.

This web conference brings together a speaker panel of experts from AirWatch, Citrix and Tangoe to discuss Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions and how their functionality is evolving to adapt to changing customer needs.

This web conference will be moderated by Sara Radicati.

Guest Speakers

  • John Marshall, CEO, AirWatch
  • Phillip Redman, VP of Mobile Solutions and Strategy, Citrix
  • Wayne DeCesaris, SVP, Tangoe


9:30-35 Welcome & Introductions (Sara)
9:35-55 Company Overview (AirWatch, Citrix, Tangoe)
9:55-10:20 Panel Discussion (All)
10:20-10:30 Live Q&A via chat window
10:30 Wrap-up

Intended Audience

This Web Event is intended for IT Professionals, Line of Business Managers, CxOs and anyone who needs to make informed decisions about Enterprise Mobility Management solutions.

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