Enterprise Mobility Management Market, 2013-2017

By • Nov 25th, 2013 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions provide businesses with the ability to secure and manage enterprise mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. EMM solutions provide device, application and content management across multiple mobile operating systems.

  • This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Enterprise Mobility Management market, including:
    • Market Size and Four-Year Forecasts
    • Market Share by Vendor – Installed Base and Revenue
    • Breakouts by Region, Business Size, and Mobile Operating System
    • Detailed market analysis and latest market trends.
  • The number of worldwide mobile business devices is also examined by the penetration of EMM solutions and breakouts by region and mobile operating system.
  • In-depth analysis of leading EMM providers: AirWatch, BlackBerry, BoxTone, Citrix, Fiberlink, Good, Kaspersky Lab, MobileIron, SAP, Sophos, SOTI, Symantec, Tangoe, and others.

This report is intended for Organizations, Providers, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the Enterprise Mobility Management market.

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