Information Archiving Market, 2014-2018

By • May 21st, 2014 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

An in-depth analysis of the Information Archiving market for On-Premises and Cloud solutions.

  • The report includes:
    • Market Size for On-Premise and Cloud Information Archiving
    • Market Share by Vendor – Installed Base and Revenue
    • Four-Year Forecasts
    • Breakouts by Region and Business Size.
  • Pricing Models and Electronic Records Retention Rules and Regulations
  • In-depth analysis of leading market players: ArcMail, Barracuda Networks, CommVault, EMC, Google, HP Autonomy, IBM, Metalogix, Microsoft, Mimecast, OpenText, Proofpoint, SilverSky, Smarsh, Sonian and Symantec.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the Information Archiving market.

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