Messaging and Collaboration – Business User Survey, 2007

By • Dec 17th, 2007 • Category: Reports

A comprehensive survey examines attitudes and behavior of 115 business users with regards to messaging and collaboration. Survey Results include:

  • Corporate E-mail – Number of Accounts, Clients, and Traffic Statistics.
  • Security & E-mail Hygiene – Spam, Viruses, and Password Management.
  • E-mail Archiving & Compliance Use – Archive deployments, Filtering, and E-mail Forwarding.
  • Instant Messaging Use – Deployments, Sanctioned and Unsanctioned use.
  • Business Social Networking Software Use – Deployments, Wiki and Blog use.

A section on user’s behavior as a consumer (i.e. outside of office hours) is also included.

This report is aimed at identifying user behavior and preferences in regards to the messaging and collaboration market.

$2,500 by Credit Card or $3,000 by company PO. If you wish to order by PO, please click here.

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