Email Market, 2018-2022

By • Jun 11th, 2018 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

A comprehensive analysis of the worldwide Email Market, across all key segments:

  • Enterprise Messaging Platforms ”“ on-premises email deployed by enterprises and SMBs, Market Size, Installed Base and Revenue Market Share by Vendor, and Four-year Forecast.
  • Messaging Platforms for Service Providers ”“ Market Size, Installed base and Revenue market share, Four-year Forecast.
  • Cloud Business Email ”“ Market Size, Installed Base and Revenue Market Share by Vendor, Four-year Forecast, Breakout by Platform Type.
  • Email Clients ”“ Installed base and Four-year forecast for desktop, web-based, and consumer email clients.
  • Consumer Email ”“ Market Size, Installed Base Market Share, Four-year Forecast.

In-depth analysis of the key market players in each segment, including: Amazon Web Services, Google, IBM, Intermedia, Microsoft, Open-Xchange, Oracle, Synchronoss Messaging, and Synacor (Zimbra).

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