Microsoft Office 365, Exchange Server and Outlook Market Analysis, 2021-2025

By • Apr 21st, 2021 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

A detailed analysis of market penetration of Microsoft Office 365, Exchange Server, Outlook, and Outlook on the web in the Email and Collaboration market. The study includes:

  • Worldwide Email Users and Mailbox Forecast. Worldwide Microsoft Exchange Mailbox and Revenue Forecast.
  • Microsoft Office 365 and Hosted Exchange – Installed Base and Revenue Forecast, Breakouts by Region, Business Size, and Vertical Industry
  • On-Premises Microsoft Exchange Server – Installed Base and Revenue Forecast, Breakouts by Region, Business Size, Version, and Vertical Industry
  • Microsoft Outlook – Mailbox Forecast, Breakouts by Version, Region, and Business Size
  • Product Analysis for Microsoft Office 365, Exchange Server, and Outlook.

This report is intended for Investors, Corporate Customers and Vendors who need to make informed decisions about Messaging and Collaboration.

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