eDiscovery and Data Loss Prevention Market, 2008-2012

By • Nov 11th, 2008 • Category: Reports

eDiscovery and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) are supervision solutions that help companies monitor and manage electronic data travelling over their corporate channels.

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the eDiscovery and Data Loss Prevention Market, including:

  • Market Size, Market Share by Vendor, Four-Year Forecasts, and Breakouts by Region. It includes detailed market analysis, as well as information on key regulations.
  • The Study Covers Two Key Market Segments:
    • eDiscovery
    • Data Loss Prevention
  • In-depth analysis of leading market players: Autonomy ZANTAZ, Attenex, C2C, Case Central, Clearswift, Clearwell Systems, Computer Associates, EMC, IntelliReach, Kazeon, Liquid Machines, LiveOffice, McAfee, Microsoft, Mimosa Systems, Orchestria, Privacy Networks, Proofpoint, Secure Computing, Sophos, Symantec, Waterford Technologies, Websense, ZyLab, and others.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the eDiscovery and Data Loss Prevention market.

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