Instant Messaging Market, 2008-2012

By • Jan 6th, 2009 • Category: Reports

A comprehensive analysis of the Instant Messaging market, including:

  • Installed Base and Revenue Market Share by Vendor, Four-Year Forecasts, and Breakouts by Region and Business Size.
  • The Study Covers Four Key Market Segments:
    • Public IM
    • Enterprise IM
    • IM Management/Security
    • IM Aggregators
  • Statistics on Worldwide IM Accounts, IM Traffic, and Consumer vs. Corporate IM users.
  • An in depth analysis of key market players: AOL, eBuddy, FaceTime Communications, Google, IBM, Jabber, Meebo, Microsoft Corporation, Novell, Scansafe, Skype Technologies, Symantec, Tencent QQ, Quest Software, and Yahoo!.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, Service Providers, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the Instant Messaging market.

$2,500 by Credit Card or $3,000 by company PO. If you wish to order by PO, please click here.

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