Email Archiving Market, 2008-2012

By • Mar 24th, 2008 • Category: Reports

A comprehensive analysis of the Email Archiving Market, including:

  • Market Size
  • Installed Base & Revenue Market Share by Vendor
  • Four-Year Forecasts
  • Breakouts by Region
  • Includes detailed market analysis, as well as information on key regulations.

In-depth analysis of leading market players: Autonomy ZANTAZ, AXS-One, CA, C2C, Cryoserver, EMC, Fortiva, Global Relay, HP, IBM, Iron Mountain, LiveOffice, MessageOne, Mimosa, Mobius, NorthSeas, OpenText, Smarsh, Symantec, Waterford Technologies, ZL Technologies, and others.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the E-Mail Archiving market.

$2,500 by Credit Card or $3,000 by company PO. If you wish to order by PO, please click here.

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