The Radicati Group Releases “Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook Market Analysis, 2009-2013”

By • Mar 16th, 2009 • Category: Radicati Press Release

A new study from The Radicati Group, Inc. provides extensive installed base breakouts by version, region and business size for Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Hosted Microsoft Exchange Server

For Immediate Release

Lauren Reardon
The Radicati Group, Inc.
(650) 322-8059

Palo Alto, CA – March 16, 2009 – The Radicati Group, Inc.’s latest study, “Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook Market Analysis, 2009-2013,” provides an in-depth analysis of the market for Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Outlook, including market share, installed base by version, as well as breakouts by business size, and region.

According to the report, Microsoft Exchange Server will have a total installed base of 241 million on-premises and hosted mailboxes by year-end 2009, and is expected to grow to a total of 347 million by 2013. This represents an average annual growth rate of 11%.

The report provides extensive breakout information for Microsoft Exchange Server penetration by version, business size and region in North America, EMEA, Asia/Pacific, and Rest of World. In addition, it also provides installed base and breakout information for Microsoft Outlook, including Outlook Web Access (OWA), and Hosted Microsoft Exchange Server.

Microsoft’s recently released Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) is also analyzed, and strengths and weaknesses are discussed for all current Microsoft Messaging and Collaboration products.

To order a copy of the study, or for additional information about our market research programs, please contact Lauren Reardon at (650) 322-8059, or visit our web site at

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