Hosted Email Market, 2010-2014

By • Aug 16th, 2010 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

A comprehensive analysis of the Hosted Email market covering both business and consumer email:

  • The study covers three segments:o Hosted Business Email Providers
    o Managed Business Email Providers
    o ISP/Webmail Providers
  • Installed Base and Revenue Market Share by Provider, Four-Year Forecasts, Breakouts by Region, and Business Size, as well as Key Market Trends, Drivers and Barriers.
  • Breakout of Microsoft Hosted Exchange Providers, including Installed Base Market Share and Four-Year Forecast.
  • In-depth analysis of leading market players: Apptix, Ceryx, Cisco Systems, Google, IBM, Intermedia, Microsoft, NaviSite, Rackspace, USA.NET, AOL, Yahoo!, and more.

This report is intended for Organizations, Providers, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the Hosted Email market.

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