Social Networking – The Value of B2B and B2C Social Communities in Business

By • Apr 28th, 2011 • Category: Other

April 28, 2011 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM US Pacific Time – Web Conference Overview Business Social Networking is one of the pillars of a new wave of business technology that aims to redefine business processes. B2B and B2C social networking solutions are aimed at building online social communities where communication can flow freely and in an intelligent manner. There’s no doubt that Business Social Networking will continue to grow, but it still faces many questions as to its actual value in business communications and collaboration. Do B2B communities really help streamline business processes? Do customer-facing B2C communities maintain valuable lines of communication between businesses and their customers?

This web conference brings together a speaker panel of experts to discuss what kind of organizations can benefit most from both B2B and B2C Social Networking.

The web conference will be moderated by Sara Radicati and will bring together a panel of experts from Central Desktop, Socialtext and Telligent.

Moderator – Sara Radicati – President & CEO

Guest Speakers

• Isaac Garcia, CEO, Central Desktop

• Alan Lepofsky, Director of Product Marketing, Socialtext

• Megan Yunker, Product Marketing Manager, Telligent


9:30-35 Welcome & Introductions (Sara)
9:35-55 Presentations from Central Desktop, Socialtext, and Telligent
9:55-10:20 Panel Discussion (All)
10:20-10:30 Live Q&A via chat window
10:30 Wrap-up

Intended Audience

This Webconference is intended for IT Professionals, Investors, Product Managers, Marketing Managers or Sales Professionals from Software Vendors, Equipment Vendors or Service Providers who need to make informed decisions about Social Networking.

Download Webconference Slides and Recording

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