Survey: Instant Messaging, Social Networking, Unified Communications, 2011-2012

By • Oct 3rd, 2011 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

A comprehensive survey of current deployments and user behavior in 100 corporate organizations, with regards to Instant Messaging, Social Networking, and Unified Communications. The sample represented a population of 228,068 users worldwide. Survey Results include:

  • Instant Messaging Use –Number of IM Accounts and Conversations, Preferred IM Solutions, Sanctioned and Unsanctioned Corporate IM Use, Preferred IM Features, IM Spam and more.
  • Business Social Networking Use – Preferred Business Social Network sites, Internal vs. External Social Networking, and more.
  • Unified Communications – VoIP Deployment, Preferred Vendors, Skype Usage, and UC Deployments.
  • Consumer Behavior – User Behavior as a Consumer (i.e. Outside of Office Hours) for IM and Social Networking, Number of Consumer Accounts, Preferences and Usage Patterns.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to understand IT directions with regards to Business Instant Messaging, Social Networking and Unified Communications.

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