The Future of Archiving and Governance-Understand your Data Webconference

By • Apr 26th, 2012 • Category: New Announcements

April 26, 2012 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM US Pacific Time – Web Conference Overview: Over 90% of the information created in an organization is Human Information.  It is generated every day across many enterprise applications ranging from messaging and content management systems to websites and customer call centers. This explosive volume growth is pressing the limits of any system which manages information. In addition, innovation is driving significant changes to our notion of business-related content, and new consumer devices within the enterprise are changing our means of collaboration: iPads are running new endpoint applications, email channels are being replaced by social media, text messaging, and mobile communications; audio, video and rich media content are now common interactive file formats.

Managing extreme volumes with archiving is only the first step towards proactive information governance.  Archiving is a means of gaining control but in order to truly manage risk, extract value, as well as retain, discover and hold information for litigation and compliance purposes the next generation of solutions must go beyond storage management to understand the meaning of the human information they are storing. In the face of the changing IT landscape, understanding what you are keeping and why, when you can delete, and delivering insight to the business from your data is the future of archiving.

This web conference will explore:

  • A meaning-based approach to Information Governance: Understanding information to automatically execute policies and gain insight into and control of your data.
  • Multichannel archiving: connect to all data types, including rich media, social media, audio, and application databases to manage all  information from a single vantage point
  • Cloud based archiving – we will examine the benefits and risks of the Cloud, and well as on-premise and hybrid approaches to archiving content sources
  • Recent Innovation for SharePoint, voice and structured data archiving.

This web conference will be moderated by Sara Radicati and will feature a speaker from Autonomy to discuss how information archiving and governance in the enterprise are evolving.

Guest Speakers

  • Kurt Wilhelm, Vice President of Compliance Solutions, Autonomy


9:30-35 Welcome & Introductions (Sara)
9:35-55 Overview Presentation by Autonomy
9:55-10:20 Panel Discussion
10:20-10:30 Live Q&A via chat window
10:30 Wrap-up

Intended Audience

This Webconference is intended for CxOs, Line of Business Managers, IT Professionals and anyone who needs to make informed decisions about Information Archiving and Governance.

Download Webconference Slides and Recording

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