Instant Messaging Market, 2012-2016

By • Dec 17th, 2012 • Category: New Announcements, Reports

Instant Messaging, also known as IM, refers to real-time communication between two or more users. IM which originally started as text-based communication, has evolved to add advanced forms of communication, such as voice and video. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Instant Messaging market including:

  • Installed Base and Revenue Market Share by Vendor, Four-Year Forecasts, and Breakouts by Region and Business Size.
  • The Study Covers Four Key Market Segments:
    • Public IM
    • Enterprise IM
    • IM Management & Security
    • Mobile IM
  • Key statistics on Worldwide IM Accounts and Users, IM Traffic, and Consumer vs. Business IM users.
  • An in depth analysis of key market players: Actiance, Apple, Bloomberg, Cisco, Facebook,, Global Relay, Good Technology, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Research In Motion, Skype, Symantec, Tencent, and Yahoo!.

This report is intended for Organizations, Vendors, and Investors who need to make informed decisions about the Instant Messaging market.

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