Cloud Business Email: Dedicated vs. Multi-Tenant

By • Aug 29th, 2013 • Category: Other

August 29, 2013 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM US Pacific Time – Web Conference Overview: Today, more and more organizations are moving their email and other critical services to the cloud because of the many advantages cloud computing offers in terms of cost, scalability and easy anywhere access. While many organizations are happy with multi-tenant cloud solutions, others are opting for dedicated cloud solutions as a way to obtaining all the benefits of cloud computing while retaining essential data privacy and control over their environment. This web conference looks at the pluses and minuses of multi-tenant versus dedicated cloud options for business email, and discusses the evolution of both models.

The web conference brings together a panel of speaker experts from Apptix, Ceryx and SilverSky to discuss what customers can expect from each deployment model and how to determine which approach will best fit their needs.

The web conference will be moderated by Sara Radicati.

Guest Speakers

  • Joy Nemitz, CMO, Apptix
  • Gus Harsfai, CEO, Ceryx
  • Andrew Jaquith, CTO and SVP Cloud Strategy, SilverSky


9:30-35 Welcome & Introductions (Sara)
9:35-55 Vendor Overview (Apptix, Ceryx, SilverSky)
9:55-10:20 Discussion (All)
10:20-10:30 Live Q&A via chat window
10:30 Wrap-up

Intended Audience

This web conference is intended for IT Professionals, CxOs, and anyone who needs to make informed decisions about cloud business email.

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